HIJACK Performance
Sunday, March 16 at 2:00 PM

PICTURED: Sway (2022/2024), installation and performance, dimensions variable
PHOTO BY: Dale Dong
HIJACK Performance
Sunday, March 16 at 2pm
HIJACK is the Minneapolis-based choreographic collaboration of Kristin Van Loon (b. 1971, Washington, DC) and Arwen Wilder (b. 1971, Boulder, CO). HIJACK is the confluence and clash of two independent compositional/kinesthetic impulses. Their dances embrace juxtaposition. Their dances house unlikely intimates forcing the question to both audience and performer -- how can these things co-exist?
Over the last 30 years they have created over 100 dances and performed in venues ranging from proscenium to barely-legal. HIJACK has performed in New York (at DTW, PS122, HERE ArtCenter, Catch/Movement Research Festival, La Mama, Dixon Place, Chocolate Factory), Japan, Russia, Central America, Ottawa, Chicago, Colorado, New Orleans, Seattle, Philadelphia, San Francisco, at Fuse Box Festival in Austin Texas, Seattle Festival of Dance Improvisation (SFDI), and Bates Dance Festival in Maine. Walker Art Center commissioned “redundant, ready, reading, radish, Red Eye” to celebrate twenty years of HIJACK and Contact Quarterly published the chapbook “Passing for Dance: A HIJACK Reader”.
HIJACK dances have received support from McKnight, Jerome, Bush foundations, MRAC, MN State Arts Board, NPN Creation Funds and residencies at MANCC in Tallahassee Florida and the National Center for Choreography in Akron Ohio.
HIJACK teaches Improvisation and Composition at the University of MN, Carleton College and Zenon Dance School and hosts/curates FUTURE INTERSTATES—the sporadic series for dance improvisation performance.